Just as our stressors can take many forms, so can stress management techniques involve a variety of approaches. On this page you'll find articles and links to information on massage and stress management we hope you'll find useful.
Here is your free Got Stress? report
Earth Resonance Frequency, ERF, is the natural frequency of our planet. Human beings are connected to ERF; it is the same frequency our brains emit in the relaxed, alpha state. However, an industrialized society has weakened our ERF connection. Musician and scientist Dean Everson incorporates ERF within his music mix. CD's from Soundings of the Planet create a deeply relaxed yet alert experience. Some titles are available from Serenity Center (contact us to see what's in stock). To see the complete collection and hear excerpts, visit Soundings of the Planet
American Institute of Stress home
Canadian Institute of Stress home
One of the quickest and easiest ways to manage stress you feel is through breathwork. Try Dr. Weil's exercises
Stress: Portrait of a Killer (National Geographic documentary on YouTube)
Check out the current and archived issues of Body Sense Magazine, a publication of ABMP featuring articles and products for your healthy lifestyle.